United States asked to treat detained as victims

The others were trapped by these eight accused, the US was told.

Update: 2019-02-04 19:18 GMT
The senior Trump administration official said the United States will have a process to recognize same-sex domestic partners of foreign diplomats from countries where same-sex marriage is not legal, but which recognize American domestic partners. (Representational Image)

Hyderabad: About two dozen students from Telangana state and Andhra Pradesh, who had overstayed their visas in the United States, returned to their homes on Monday.

A senior officer with the ministry of external affairs said, “The Embassy and consulates have contacted detained students and conveyed to their American counterparts not to treat those detained as criminal but victims.”

The officer said the embassy would not interfere with the legal proceedings involving eight students who have been charged by the ICE. The others were trapped by these eight accused, the US was told.

The officer added, “In every district where Indian students have been arrested, members of the local Indian community accompanied by an attorney have visited them. Those with active and legal visas have been asked not to hurry back but remain in the US”.

The Indian Embassy has no formal communication or an exact count of those who returned to Hyderabad on their own.

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