Karnataka: Anganwadi worker burns boy\'s private parts for frequently wetting pants

Update: 2022-09-02 13:00 GMT

TUMAKURU: An anganwadi worker has been booked for allegedly burning the private parts of a 3-year old boy for frequently wetting his pants in the classroom, police sources said on Friday.

The police came to know of the incident after a complaint was lodged by a woman and child development officer on Thursday. The incident took place on August 19.

Residents of Godekere village in Chikka Nayanakahalli Taluk of the district sent a letter to the officer against the anganwadi workers alleging that they were torturing children there.

Based on the complaint, government officer G Honnappa visited the village to inquire into the matter. He questioned the anganwadi worker Rashmi K P and she said she was only trying to scare the child with a matchstick, but it accidentally caught fire, resulting in the boy sustaining burns.

The child complained to his grandmother who got him medically treated.

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