High prevalence of medical conditions in TS: Survey

Update: 2022-12-10 18:51 GMT
Scientists hope that such needle-free vaccines will make vaccination more accessible in countries with fragile health systems (PTI representational photo)

HYDERABAD: A countrywide survey that also covered Telangana has found a very high prevalence of severe medical conditions this year, compared to 2021. The survey results also indicated that such conditions were more prevalent in people who had not taken the Covid-19 vaccine.

As part of the survey, over 32,000 responses were recorded from citizens in 357 districts. In Telangana, 49 per cent of the 2,201 respondents said someone in their family or close network had experienced severe medical conditions such as heart attack, brain stroke, blood clots, neurological complications or cancer acceleration in the past two years.

Nationally, the percentage of respondents who knew someone from their family or close network who had experienced such conditions was 51 per cent, showing a very steep rise from the figure of 31 per cent recorded in 2021.

While four per cent of respondents in the state said they knew five to 10 such affected individuals, 19 per cent knew two to four persons and 26 per cent knew of a single person. Only about 57 per cent of those who had suffered some condition had taken two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, while 14 per cent had taken a single dose and 10 per cent had not taken any dose, indicating that those not vaccinated were more at risk from such conditions.

Respondents were also asked about how many times the affected persons were infected by Covid. A total of 25 per cent of people said they got infected in the third wave, 21 per cent in the second wave and 17 per cent in the first. While 13 per cent got infected multiple timers, 19 per cent of them did not get infected even once.

As per a report based on the survey results, a majority of those infected from Covid reported a mildly symptomatic illness. However, mildly symptomatic illness does not necessarily translate to no impact on health in the medium to long term.

The survey was conducted by the online platform LocalCircles. About 67 per cent respondents were men while 33 per cent were women. About 47 per cent respondents were from Tier 1 cities, 33 per cent from Tier 2 and 20 per cent respondents were from Tier 3 and 4 cities and from rural districts.

Question to respondents: How many individuals in your family or close network do you know who have experienced severe medical complications in the past two years?

Results from Telangana (2,201 responses):

5-10 individuals: 4%
2-4 individuals: 19%
1 individual: 26%
None: 42%
Can’t say: 9%

Question: Among the affected individuals, what was the status of their Covid vaccination?

Results (1,854 responses):

Double dose vaccinated: 57%
Single dose vaccinated: 14%
Not vaccinated: 10%
Can’t Say: 19%

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