Give your energy a boost

Update: 2024-04-22 16:16 GMT
If you are the kind of person who feels low on energy all the time, there could be several issues that need to be addressed. (Image by Arrangement)

Persistent low energy levels can result from various factors, such as insufficient sleep, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, stress, or underlying medical conditions like anaemia or thyroid problems. Determining the exact cause usually requires a thorough medical evaluation. However, you can help yourself by making some changes to your lifestyle. Experts weigh in.

Sleep, Nutrition, Balance

Adequate and good-quality sleep is vital for overall health, as it enables crucial processes like the release of growth hormones and cell repair. Most people wake upfeeling refreshed and energized after a night of quality sleep. While individual sleep needs may vary, we generally require at least seven hours for optimal health. Insomnia, characterised by difficulty falling or staying asleep, can stem from various causes such as menopause, medical conditions, stress, poor sleeping environments, or excessive mental stimulation.
Bhavna Harchandrai, celebrity fitness trainer, bestselling author, proprietor, Fitness Fundas Studio, Mumbai, says, “Feeling exhausted regularly, despite adequate sleep, may be attributed to nutrient deficiencies. Fatigue has been associated with lacking essential nutrients like iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), folate (vitamin B9), vitamin B12, vitamin D (the sunshine vitamin), vitamin C and magnesium. Ensuring a balanced diet with these nutrients is crucial for overall energy levels.”

Lifestyle Fix

Chronic stress, anxiety, or depression can significantly impact energy levels. Lack of physical activity can result in decreased energy levels and overall fatigue. “Consume a well-rounded diet with a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, and vitamins. Drink enough water throughout the day to maintain optimal bodily functions. Opt for small, frequent meals to maintain steady blood sugar levels. Irregular eating patterns can contribute to energy fluctuations. High sugar content can cause energy spikes followed by crashes. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine. Ensure time for relaxation and activities you enjoy,” says Dr. Sangeeta Tiwari, clinical nutritionist at Artemis Lite, NFC.

Stay Hydrated

Maintaining proper hydration is essential for sustaining energy levels. Daily biochemical reactions result in water loss through urine, stools, sweat and breathing. Dehydration occurs when the fluid intake doesn’t compensate for these losses, leading to lower energy levels and reduced concentration. While the 7-8 glasses of water guideline is common, individual hydration needs vary based on factors like weight, age, sex and activity levels. Pay attention to signs like thirst, fatigue, dizziness, and headaches, as they may indicate dehydration. If your urine is colourless or pale yellow you are close to adequate hydration; again coffee, tea are diuretics and will misleadingly reflect as pale urine. The bottom line is drinking a few sips of water every 20-30 minutes, apart from during and right after your meals will ensure optimum hydration.
“Excessive caffeine intake, commonly found in coffee and energy drinks, may provide a temporary energy boost but can lead to increased tiredness the following day. Too much caffeine can disrupt sleep patterns contributing to fatigue. “Research indicates that reliance on caffeine to combat morning fatigue may create a cycle of poor sleep followed by excessive caffeine consumption, a vicious cycle. While moderate consumption of coffee and caffeinated beverages like green tea, black tea, black coffee (maximum 2-3 cups daily) can be beneficial, it is advisable to avoid energy drinks due to their high stimulant and sugar content. Why not begin the day with a few dry fruits and local or seasonal fruits,” says Harchandrai.

Reset and Recharge

To improve energy levels, incorporating regular physical activity into your routine is crucial. Exercise can boost endorphin levels, promote better sleep, and enhance overall stamina. “Prioritise regular exercise as it boosts endorphins and helps regulate energy levels. Incorporating short bursts of physical activity throughout the day can also combat midday slumps and enhance alertness. Eating a balanced diet rich in whole foods, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates is pivotal for sustained energy levels. These nutrient-dense choices provide a steady release of energy and prevent spikes in blood sugar, ultimately reducing fatigue,” says Dr. Manjusha Agarwal, senior consultant, Internal Medicine, Global Hospitals, Parel Mumbai.
Finding ways to prioritise self-care activities such as gentle exercise, mindfulness practices, and adequate rest becomes essential in navigating the day-to-day challenges presented by persistent fatigue. And if nothing seems to work, do not hesitate to seek medical help. After all, being energetic is something that is non-negotiable.


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