How to prevent pimples on forehead

Pimples on the forehead look very unattractive. Here’s all you should know about forehead acne, home remedies, medical treatments

Update: 2023-01-24 05:30 GMT
Forehead acne, like normal pimples, occurs when the small glands beneath your skin get clogged. Acne is mainly found on the forehead, although it can be spotted on all body parts. (Adobestock image)

Do you have those tiny red spots on your forehead? Well, you must know how nothing is more frustrating than trying to conceal these pimples. Pimples on forehead are stubborn, to say the least. Forehead acne, like normal pimples, occurs when the small glands beneath your skin get clogged. Acne is mainly found on the forehead, although it can be spotted on all body parts. They are caused by poor hygiene, hormonal imbalance, stress, and other factors. Genes can also be responsible for an acne breakout on your forehead.

Different Types of Pimples

Acne is classified into inflammatory and non-inflammatory breakouts that might cover a small portion of your face or the complete face — depending on its severity. Mild and moderate acne is just a bunch of papules and pustules on a portion of your face, while a severe breakout is a combination of large and small cysts that might cause pain and are inflamed. In order to find the best treatment, you need to identify which type of acne it is.

Whiteheads and Blackheads

Your foreheads have sebaceous glands, which might produce excess oil, clogging your hair follicles or the open pores. Blackheads and whiteheads aren’t as noticeable as large pimples, but they make your skin slightly bumpy.

Both are the same, except some open pores get exposed to oxidation, which darkens their color. They can pop up on any part of the face or your body part that has sebaceous glands, but they are more likely to appear on the chin, nose, and forehead.


The accumulation of oil, dirt, and bacteria in the open pores can cause papules. The dirt penetrates deep into your skin, leading to inflammation that eventually causes redness and swelling. Papules are commonly referred to as pimples. Don’t confuse these with those white-centered lumps that have pus. These are considerably smaller than the pus pimples, and they appear in groups on the forehead and cheeks.


Filled with pus and bacteria, pustules pop up on your face when the oil gets trapped in the deeper layers of skin. They contain bacteria, dead skin cells, and other contaminants. Your immune system sends white blood cells to heal these pus-filled pimples, which also get trapped in the pores. These are the same size as papules and look similar, except they are filled with pus. Papules and pustules need medical treatment, as they might cause scarring.

Nodules and Cysts

Nodules and cysts are other forms of inflamed acne that appear in clusters on different parts of your face. They mostly occur during menstruation, as your body produces more testosterone during this time. The higher levels of testosterone or fluctuations in female and male hormones during puberty can cause these breakouts. Nodules can have the same colors as your skin, or they appear red if they are extremely inflamed. They can stay for weeks and even months.

What Causes Pimples on Forehead?

You might be wondering why we get pimples on the forehead. Well, there can be many causes, from cosmetic products that might aggravate pimples to the skin condition. Most of us are likely to get cysts, pimples, and whiteheads at some point in our lives, especially during adolescence. But, some factors put people at higher risk of developing mild to severe acne. Here are a few.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes during puberty cause excess oil production, which causes acne in areas that produce oil. The fluctuation in hormonal levels in your body increases your risk of acne, and unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about it.


Stress is not just bad for your hair health, but it can cause severe breakouts. In addition to causing acne, stress can aggravate the existing acne. A majority of skin problems that adults face are caused by stress. You can try meditation and natural remedies to de-stress your mind. Yoga can also help keep your stress levels at bay.

Poor Hygiene

An essential part of your hygiene is your skincare. Breakouts are caused by dirt accumulation in your pores. Impurities can clog your open pores, leading to acne. Wash your face in the morning and at night before going to sleep. Use a mild facewash after consulting a dermatologist to keep your skin healthy and clean.

Using Wrong Cosmetic Products

Comedogenic products have a bad reputation in the skincare market. These products fill your pores with dirt and clog them, causing acne breakouts. When using a cosmetic product, verify the ingredient list and ask your dermatologist whether it’s safe for your skin. Likewise, if you apply too many cosmetic products to your forehead or wear heavy accessories that cause skin irritation, you might get acne on the forehead.


If you are on medication, know that they can cause pimples and acne. Steroids, especially, can cause hormonal imbalances that may lead to pimples. Ask your doctor to change your medication or recommend topicals that can clear your skin.

Other Causes of Acne on the Forehead

In addition to the conditions mentioned above, your genes might also be responsible for acne. Folliculitis and rosacea are common skin conditions that might lead to acne on the forehead. Some people report acne due to a fungal infection. Others develop acne because of hair products. It might irritate your skin, causing white flaky patches that eventually lead to acne on the forehead.

Regardless of the cause, there are a few natural remedies you can try to get rid of the pimples on the forehead.

How to Get Rid of Pimples/acne on the Forehead: Home remedies

1.    Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has ingredients that are known for their anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, both of which are known for controlling breakouts. Here’s how to use this magical ingredient to treat forehead acne.
●    Extract the pure aloe vera gel from your garden
●    Apply it to the affected spot
●    Keep it overnight and wash it off with cold water the next morning

Try this once or twice daily.

2.    Lemon Juice

Rich in Vitamin C, lemon can be very effective for people with forehead acne. You can add it to your diet or apply a few drops of juice to your face daily. Lemon juice can minimize acne. Here’s how to use it.

●    Mix a few drops of lemon juice with equal parts water
●    Dip a cotton swab in the juice and apply it to the affected parts of your face
●    Rinse off after 20-30 minutes

Alternatively, you can drink a glass of lime juice daily to get your daily dose of vitamin C. Try it once every two days. Before applying lemon juice, test a small patch to ensure it doesn’t irritate your skin.

3.    Green Tea Extract

Green tea is another excellent ingredient to treat forehead pimples. It has anti-inflammatory properties that not only eliminate pimples but control sebum production. Here’s how to use it.

●    Grab a couple of green tea bags and freeze them overnight
●    Put these bags on your forehead and massage gently for a few minutes
●    Wash off with cold water

Try this once daily.

4.    Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil also has anti-microbial properties that treat acne easily. It’s good for mild acne on your forehead, but regular application with a good skincare routine can prove effective for severe breakouts. Here’s how to use it.

●    Mix 2-3 drops of olive oil with any carrier oil
●    Dip cotton in the oil and dab it gently on the affected area
●    Keep it on overnight and rinse it off with cold water

Do it once every day or on alternate days.

5.    Tomato

Tomatoes also have anti-inflammatory properties, plus they are rich in Vitamin C. This will help you treat acne. You are going to need a half-cut tomato for this natural remedy.

●    Cut the tomato into two pieces.
●    Rub it gently on your forehead
●    Keep it on for 15 minutes and rinse it off

Do this twice or thrice every week.

6.    Apple Cider Vinegar

Most breakouts are linked to acne-causing bacterial growth and sebum production, which Apple Cider Vinegar can control. The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of this ingredient can work wonders for people with forehead acne that won’t disappear on its own. Here’s how to use it.

●    Mix three tbsps of water with 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a bowl
●    Use a cotton swab to spread the mixture to your forehead
●    Let it sit on your face overnight, and wash it off with water the next day

Try this every day or on alternate days. Make sure apple cider vinegar can cause skin irritation and even burns when you use its undiluted form.

Forehead Acne Treatment

Home remedies might work for some, but these strategies are ineffective in the long run. They especially don’t work when there’s an underlying cause of severe acne. You should consult a dermatologist to discuss the best treatment options. Here’s how to treat pimples on the forehead.

Over-the-counter Medication

Your dermatologist will prescribe over-the-counter medication based on the severity of the acne or the root cause of it. Benzol Peroxide, for example, is really effective for mild to severe acne. It comes in the topical form too. You can use gel, lotions, or creams containing this chemical to get rid of acne. Salicylic acid is another key ingredient in treating all forms of acne, especially the ones that appear in clusters.

Prescription-based Treatment

Forehead acne responds well to creams and ointments. However, if the acne is caused by hormonal imbalance or other health problems, your doctor will recommend medication to fix it. Birth control pills might help here. They decrease the production of androgens, which are responsible for producing more sebum. Your doctor may recommend topicals in conjunction with antibiotics.

Laser Therapy

Several cosmetic treatments can help eliminate dead skin cells and acne from your forehead, and laser therapy is one of them. Even though it’s a bit expensive, laser therapy is all you need to remove all forms of acne — be it the small bumps or the pus-filled cysts that won’t go away.

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a good alternative to laser therapy. It removes the top layer of your skin and reveals the skin underneath. The treatment regenerates the skin to remove acne. Based on your skin type and the severity of the problem, the dermatologist will suggest the most viable chemical peels for you.

How to Prevent Pimples on the Forehead

As you may have heard, prevention is always better than cure. You should have a proper cleansing routine to keep your skin clean and free of spots.

Poor hygiene is one of the biggest causes of breakouts. It’s important that you follow a proper skincare routine to get rid of acne. Here are some tips that will help.

●    Wash your face before sleeping, especially if you go out frequently or use cosmetic products on your skin. Use a mild facewash for cleansing.
●    Exfoliate twice a week to keep dead skin cells and dirt away.
●    Never sleep with makeup on.
●    Pay special attention to your diet, as that can also lead to acne. A Diet rich in the glycemic index must be avoided. This includes chocolate and dairy products. You should rather eat a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
●    Never use comedogenic products, as they tend to clog pores. They will fill the pores with dirt, bacteria, and oil.
●    Do not put on heavy accessories, makeup, or any product that could irritate your forehead skin, causing a breakout.
●    Do not stay in the sun for prolonged periods. If your work requires you to go out during the day, wear sunscreen or hats to avoid sun exposure.


If you are searching for how to get rid of acne overnight, unfortunately, the above tips may not help. These home remedies and medical treatments are for people willing to be consistent. See a dermatologist if it’s a severe breakout. They will prescribe the best medication and suggest a skincare routine based on your skin type.

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