Hansika on board for female centric suspense thriller

It seems the OKOK actress is sporting a new look, but director is tightlipped about it.

Update: 2018-05-03 18:36 GMT

Hansika will be playing a complex role she has never done before. In her upcoming untitled film, a suspense thriller, she is said to essay a multidimensional character.

Directed by U.R. Jameel who worked as an associate in her earlier movies Romeo Juliet and Bogan, it seems the Aranmanai star listened to the narration for more than two hours.

Speaking to DC, Jameel said, “Yes, I know Hansika for more than four years as I was an associate director in her films like Romeo Juliet and Bogan. I have watched her acting at close quarters. This is my dream project and when I completed the script, the first person who came to my mind was none other than Hansika.”

Ask him as why he chose Hansika for the subject and he says. “She is a combination of beauty, glamour and talent. I feel no one has used her potential fully and this is a new genre for her, although she did horror genres earlier. She has never attempted a similar character so far. I am confident that she would pull off the power-packed character with utmost ease”.

It seems the OKOK actress is sporting a new look, but director is tightlipped about it. “It is too early to reveal her looks. We would be announcing the supporting cast and technicians soon. It is a big budget movie produced by Jyostar Enterprises and shot in Chennai and seven different countries across Europe and in Mauritius.

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