The Trillionaire Life founders Hunny Bunny share the info of their business

The founders told us that this page was started to show people the unseen lifestyle of affluent people and to inspire people to dream big.

Update: 2019-06-30 15:32 GMT

Today we will interview the founders of a popular Instagram account The Trillionaire Life which is run by 18 years old twins, and are well known as Hunny and Bunny who are young Real Estate brokers.

The Trillionaire Life features wealthy entrepreneurs including but not limited to multi-millionaires and billionaires, travellers and celebrities on their Instagram page. The founders told us that this page was started to show people the unseen lifestyle of affluent people and to inspire people to dream big and work hard to live life like a Trillionaire as they believe ‘Nothing is Impossible’.

First of all, the question that everyone is asking: How did you come up with idea of developing a luxury niche Instagram page that has members?
“When we were in high school - Facebook was an enormous thing, but that was not something that we thought was for us. Then Instagram came along and it was something that we adore using, and interconnect with others.
We are car enthusiasts since childhood and 5 to 6 years back from now we had a Supercar niche page on Facebook, and earlier then we decided to start a Supercar Club in India, and planned to have millionaire and billionaire as members but we didn’t have connections and neither the knowledge about it.
So now was the time to do something distinct on Instagram, then we decided to make Members for our page recognised as ‘Trillion Circle Members’ who can be benefited from The Trillionaire Life,” the founders said.

What does a typical day in your week look like?
“We completed our secondary education previous year, and now, majority of our time is spent on real estate and our instagram account. The first half of our day, we’re working on our real estate business and rest of the time is invested on our Instagram account as it succour us in building valuable connections.

What would you say is the #1 key to building a successful real estate business?
The foundation of not only real estate but any successful business is truth. If you’re true to your customer/client you build a long term relationship with them. Talking about real estate particularly you don’t have to act like a salesperson, you need to have superior communication skills, and of course the property/product that you are trying to sell needs to be tempting.

What 3 things does anyone stepping into real estate need to know?
Knowledge: You need to know what you’re doing.
Initially, get yourself a broker’s license and then begin networking with other real estate agents(brokers) which will help you study the market and properties.

Leverage: Leverage can be a bit tricky; It can be your best friend or your worst enemy all depending on your experience.
Find some investors to partner up with them. You can offer them your commission for the deal and manage the split on the profits later on the flip.
If you want to rent your home make sure you buy it at a stable price. This is effortless to do with the landlords who are motivated to lease their vacant properties.
Explore for those sellers who are willing to carry the loan for you at moderate down payment or lets you continue their existing loan.

Timing: Believe it or not timing is the most significant part in real estate by this we mean you must know when to buy and when to sell.

What are your future projects?
Our future project is thrilling as our childhood dream is about to become a reality, which is to start a supercars club in India.

In the end, what suggestion would you give to our viewers to step up their instagram game?

Haha this is the question we are asked in almost every interview. We would suggest everyone to stick to the basics: Post punctually using hashtags and geo location, engage with your followers by responding to them in the comments and DMs, provide value to your followers; give them what they want.

We wish The Trillionaire Life’s founders good luck for their future endeavours. Keep inspiring everyone.

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