Collaborative minds get better perspective, says Yami

Yami Gataum's thoughts on the censor board, “A” certification, and Sanatan Dharma's progressive nature

Update: 2023-08-10 19:02 GMT

In real life, actress Yami is a very progressive person; how much does she agree with the character she plays in OMG2? “When you see the film, you’ll understand my character; she’s speaking about a framed societal structure that’s been in place for years. Our Sanatan dharma expresses the progressive viewpoints already mentioned in our Shastras and scientifically explained. My character has a greyish tint. In the film, Pankaj Tripathi contradicts me, but if you watch the film, you will understand what I mean,” she says.

Love-hate relationship between actor and Censor Board

Do you feel constrained after receiving “A” certification for OMG2?

“I’ve heard that the censor board will now investigate and make a decision on censor certification. The age of 16/17 years is a watershed moment in the life of any young person. When we were taught about sex education, even our teachers would quickly read the chapters. You can learn a lot about sex education in the social media age, but since this is a sensitive topic for kids, formal education is still necessary. Children should therefore be given accurate information on this topic as they are growing up.”

“I completely agree that it’s a huge responsibility to keep that balance in check so we don’t offend anyone’s feelings. I’ve been expressing my thoughts on what I believe is wrong. I believe we should make more people laugh if it’s supposed to be funny [subjective].  To be honest, I have a censor in my head. I’m sure there are methods for sorting, and they bear a lot of responsibility. A better perspective will result from better and more collaborative minds working together.”


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