Police triggered violence in Varanasi: BJP

BJP said that in pictures it was clearly visible how police and PAC personnel were torching vehicles

Update: 2015-10-07 15:41 GMT
Police in action against protesters during a violent clash in Varanasi on Monday. (Photo: PTI)

Lucknow: BJP on Wednesday accused Uttar Pradesh police of triggering violence in Varanasi saying pictures taken during 'Pratikar Yatra' clearly shows that they moved away from their motto of 'Mitra Police' and torched vehicles and beat innocent people mercilessly.

BJP spokesperson Vijay Bahadur Pathak also slammed Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav saying it seems that the government has lost control over its force.

"The pictures taken during 'Pratikar Yatra' in Varanasi has exposed the self-claimed friendly face of UP police," Pathak said, adding that that in pictures it was clearly visible how police and PAC personnel were torching vehicles and beating innocent people mercilessly.

"The state government claimed police to be 'mitra police'. Even the media persons present on the spot were not spared. It was police which triggered violence in Varanasi," he alleged.

He said that it was surprising that the tech-savy Chief Minister failed to take cognisance of these pictures.

"It's unfortunate that CM, who is indicating towards others for making efforts of triggering riots in the state, has failed to take congnisance of the failure of his own force," Pathak said.

The BJP spokesperson said that while saints and seers were being arrested, no action was being taken against erring policemen.

"It's not only about Varanasi, it seems that the government has lost control over its force," he alleged.

Pathak said whether it was the issue of 'Siksha Mitras' or the protest by saints and seers, police resorted to lathicharge in every case.

"Is cane charging a reply to every voice raised against the government. Before accusing others, the CM, who also hold the portfolio of the home department, should introspect about administrative lapses on the part of the government," he said.

Pathak said instead of pointing towards others, the CM should first control his force.

"The CM should first take action against his own erring officers, before pointing towards others," he said.

Pathak alleged that the CM has failed to control his senior party leaders, who were maligning the state's image internationally, in an apparent reference to UP Minister writing to the UN seeking its intervention into the "miseries" of minorities in India.

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