New app allows you to type in 22 Indian languages

Numbers are available in roman and local scripts as well

Update: 2015-06-01 11:25 GMT
Numbers are available in roman and local scripts as well

SwiftKey, is a free app for Android, iPhone and iPad,  that makes it easier to type in 22  Indian languages.  Improvements have been made recently, to keyboards using the Devanagiri, Gujarati and Tamil scripts in   Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati, Marathi  and Nepali.  In addition to autocorrect and prediction features,  enhancements include updates to the top row of vowels so they become contextually relevant. Numbers are available in both roman and local script on the number pad, which  makes it more intuitive.

New language additions are Bodo, Dogri, Kashmiri, Konkani (in both Devanagari and Kannada scripts), Maithili, Manipuri, Sanskrit, Santali and Sindhi. The app was at No 1 in the US Google Play store for more days than any other app.

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