Microsoft to reveal ‘Windows 10: The next chapter’ on January 21, 2015

The company may also reveal new dashboard upgrades on Xbox One gaming console

Update: 2014-12-12 21:19 GMT

Windows 10, developed and unveiled by Microsoft, will receive new updates next year. Microsoft has scheduled the ‘Windows 10: The next chapter’ event on January 21, 2015.

Start Menu, pin your go-to apps, task view, File Explorer, feedback app are some of the features added to the preview version of Windows 10. According to PCWorld, Microsoft’s Windows 10 may soon be refined by Build 9860, which will also include updated version of notification.

Read: Windows 10: Preview with download links

However, the official blog of Windows 10 stated, ‘CEO Satya Nadella and other senior officials like Terry Myerson, Joe Belfiore and Phil Spencer will give out a detailed explanation on the new updates that will be added to Microsoft Windows 10’ at the event. 

Media reports also state that the tech giant might also reveal its plans for dashboard updates of Xbox One gaming console.

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