ISI had plans to hit 2 foreign consulates in India: reports

ISI plans to target US Consulate in Chennai and the Israeli Consulate in Bengaluru

Update: 2014-05-05 05:27 GMT
Representational Photo (DC archives)

New Delhi: Central security agencies have claimed that Pakistan’s ISI had plans to carry out terror attacks on two foreign consulates in India, with evidence for this reportedly given by a Sri Lankan national, arrested from Chennai, during his interrogation.

Official sources claimed on Sunday that Sakir Hussain, a Lankan national, told his interrogators that he had been hired allegedly by an official in the Pakistani High Commission in Colombo as per the alleged ISI plans to conduct reconnaissance of the US Consulate in Chennai and the Israeli Consulate in Bengaluru.

Hussain was arrested on April 29 in a coordinated operation involving various countries, including a South East Asian nation. He is reported to have told the interrogators that the Pakistan’s spy agency was planning to send two men from Maldives to Chennai and that he had to arrange for their travel documents and hideouts.

Hussain reportedly took the name of Amir Zubair Siddiq, who is Counsellor (Visa) at Pakistan High Commission in Colombo, as his alleged handler.

The sleuths recovered pictures of US and Israeli consulates showing various gates and roads leading to the two premises, the sources said.

Cyber signatures showed that the pictures were downloaded at a computer within the premises of Pakistan High Commission at Colombo and this had been shared with Lankan authorities, the sources claimed.

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