Forget your towel; get a full-body dryer

The full-body drier can dry your entire body using compressed blasts of ionized air

Update: 2014-04-02 13:41 GMT

A new solution, which is as simple as standing on a weighing scale, can get you to dry your entire body without the need of a towel.

Gizmodo reported that the dryer can blast you with warm air. It uses compressed blasts of ionized air that comes out of five nozzles placed below your body. The effect creates a column of air that encircles your entire body as it rises and evaporates the moisture from your body.

Users can choose between cold and warm air too. On the other hand, you can also save on electricity and water, which is used in the process of washing your towels afterwards.

The Body Dryer is also claimed to be a more hygienic way to dry you. Presently, the Body Dryer is a prototype and Indiegogo is helping fund the development of the final retail version. If you want to donate to the cause, a pre-order of the Body Dryer can be done online which can be yours for just $125. When the final retail version will be in full production, then the official price of the unit will be $250.

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