Delhi High Court terms Nirbhaya case as unparalleled

Exemplary punishment is the need of the hour, for if this is not the rarest of rare cases, there is likely to be none— Delhi high court

Update: 2014-03-14 02:39 GMT
Akshay Thakur, Vinay Sharma, Pawan Gupta and Mukesh Singh for Gang rape.-PTI

New Delhi: The Delhi High Court in its 340 page order into the brutal gangrape and murder of a young medical student in December 2012, said, “We conclude by stating the obvious that a strong message needs to be sent to the perpetrators of grotesque and ghastly crimes against women that such crimes shall not be countenanced, though we confess that we are not aware of any case in which a crime of such dimensions has been committed hitherto before.”

“We cannot also but be conscious of the fact that the gruesome manner of the execution of the crime in the instant case is in a sense unparalleled in the history of criminal jurisprudence and that if the rising trend towards such crime is not nipped in the bud and arrested at its inception, the poison is likely to spread like wild fire through the social order, rendering it hapless and defunct,” it added.

“Exemplary punishment is, therefore, the need of the hour, for, if this is not the rarest of rare cases there is likely to be none,” it said.  The parents of the victim were also present in the court at the time of pronouncement of the verdict. “We have got full faith in the judiciary. We had expected this verdict. But the ultimate satisfaction will be when the convicts meet their ultimate fate,” the mother of the 23 year old paramedic said. “Humein pura nyay tabhi milega jab sab faansi par latkaaye jayenge (We will get justice only when all of them will be hanged),” she added.

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