US boy with premature ageing dies at 17

17-year-old Sam Berns dies of rare genetic condition called progeria that accelerates ageing process.

Update: 2014-01-14 13:01 GMT
File photo of Sam Berns. -AFP
Massachusetts: A Massachusetts boy with a rare genetic condition that accelerates the aging process and who became the subject of an HBO documentary has died. Sam Berns was 17.
Berns, of Foxborough, died Friday after complications from progeria (pro-JEER'-ee-uh). The Progeria Research Foundation announced his death.
Berns was diagnosed with progeria at 22 months. His parents founded the nonprofit foundation after encountering a lack of information and research on the fatal condition, whose victims live an average of 13 years.
New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft mourned Berns' death, saying he had invited him to be the football team's honorary captain for Saturday night's playoff game and was looking forward to spending time with him.
Berns was the subject of an HBO documentary last year called "Life According to Sam."

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