Agent Of Change

Charlie Sheen, when he was asked on live TV about his HIV diagnosis
As you start a new year, we present 12 notable personalities who are working towards bringing about paradigm shifts in the way we live our lives, in the various cities of our world.
Here they are -
Sukhdeep Singh - L-FRESH off the boat
Dr Vishal Rao - It's a box full of hope
Anu Sridharan - Making every drop count
Sofia Ashraf - Rapping out a revolution
Samir Parker - A view from the rooftrap
Dr Thiruvengadam - Emissions and a mission
Nishant Gambhir - The law demystified
Ulrike Reinhard - Skating on a solid ground
Roshni Mukherjee - A teacher of thousands
Aabid Surti - The plumber of Mumbai
Aravind Tharunsri - The king of seas
Vasundhara Choudhary - Chasing a rural dream
( Source : deccan chronicle )
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