
Five things DC would like to see change in Vijayawada

People find it difficult to meet their public representatives in city.

1. Traffic sense:

Traffic cops on the ground often complain lack of basic traffic sense among the motorists in city. People are intolerant towards the red signal and hardly know lane-driving system. 35, 475 motorists were booked for not obeying the red signal this year. Though traffic police are making efforts to reduce congestions, the hasty moto-rists continue to block free lefts. Following traffic rules can put an end to majority of the traffic problems on city roads. Helmet rule is almost forgotten.

2. Cleanliness drive:

Nothing like Swachh Bharat willhelp the citizens from making the city clean. In fact, there are still open spots for ‘peeing’ in the city at Sambamurthy Road, Lenin centre and other popular locations. Spitt-ing, peeing, dumping garbage on roadsides is a convenience still. Vijayawada Municipal Corporation too is on par with the citizens as its workers burn garb-age on the river bunds and roadsides leaving the air highly polluted.

3. Political involvement:

It is politics everywhere in the city. Thanks to the politicians. Be it ruling party or left party, every political party has its own strength. It is an open secret that politicians back all the call moneylenders in city. Politicians of the ruling party even dare to hinder investigations of police in cases like police personnel being thrashed by drunkards.

4. Collective responsibility:

Collective responsibility: Over speeding on roads is often detected by traffic cops and while many go for fur equal number of them go fast as they are late to work. This is indirectly causing traffic jams in city. Those who are too late keep honking at the vehicle, which stopped for a red signal so that they can rush.

5. Government services:

Some of the services of Vijayawada Municipal Corporation are made to be a touch away through smart phone apps. Unfortunately, it takes days for the VMC sanitation workers to respond to a call leaving the roads stinking.

People find it difficult to meet their public representatives in city. Brokers rule the roost in majority of the government offices like RTA and transparent administration is needed for the people to get their problems solved.
( Source : deccan chronicle )
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