
Burning some fossil fuels can cool Earth

Nasa says that sulphur-containing aerosols like diesel can lower temperatures

London: After a series of unending negotiations between 192 nations, a draft to save the climate was filed recently in Paris. All the nations, more-or-less agreed to the climate draft, understanding the need of the hour.

However, researchers from the National Aer-onautics and Space Administration (NASA) recently came out with findings that could possible shock climate change negotiators: burning some types of fossil fuels can actually help cool, not warm, the Earth.

Lead researcher Kate Marvel, a climatologist at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, explained that burning fossil fuel that releases sulphur-containing aer-osols into the atmosphere, such as diesel used in vehicles, can actually keep the temperature low in some parts of our planet.

“Take sulphate aerosols, which are created from burning fossil fuels and contribute to atmospheric cooling. They are more or less confined to the northern hemisphere, where most of us live and emit pollution,” Marvel exp-lained in an article published on The Daily Mail.

“There’s more land in the northern hemisphere, and land reacts quicker than the ocean does to these atmospheric ch-anges,” she added.

She also said that while some greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide tend to stay long in the atmosphere and have negative impact on the world’s climate, man-made aerosol only stay for a short time and actually help reflect sunlight back into space. Marvel said aerosols released during volcanic eruptions are already well known to cool the Earth's surface.

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( Source : agencies )
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