LPS in all urban development bodies in Andhra Pradesh
There are four development authorities in the state apart from the APCRDA

Hyderabad: AP government will follow the land pooling method in all other urban development authorities in the state on the lines of AP Capital Region Development Authority (CRDA).
There four urban development authorities in the state namely Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authority (VUDA), Tirupati Urban Development Authority (TUDA), Puttap-arti Urban Development Authority (PUDA) and Rishi Valley Urban Develo-pment Authority apart from CRDA.
The government observed that the provisions of the AP Urban Areas (Development) Act 1975 are not adequate to undertake development of the concerned urban and rural areas in a comprehensive manner. According to this minister K Atchennaidu has introduced AP Metro-politan region and urban development Authorities, 2015 bill in the assembly on Saturday.
The objectives of the bill are to undertake development schemes like land pooling, town planning, and special development schemes with private participation to ensure comprehensive development to the area, to ensure planning, coordination, execution, promoting and securing the planned and sustainable development of certain urban areas among others. Under this Act the government will declare of Metropolitan region and certain urban regions as development areas.
The government will constitute Metropolitan Regi-on development Authority or Urban Development Authority for the development area notified. The government will constitute several committees on the lines of CRDA like appointment of chairperson and to look into other issues.
The government will create development fund with a seed capital of Rs 200 crore in case of each metropolitan region development authority and '1000 crore in case of each Urban Development Authority for administering the Act.