Shifting puts Telangana staff in a quandary
Hyderabad: After the AP government taking a firm decision on shifting of administration to the state capital region by June 1, 2016, the 500-odd employees working in AP and TS Secr-etariats are in a fix.
The final allocation of employees working at the Secretariat level has not been done, the Kamal-anathan Committee making only tentative allocation between the two states.
At present, TS natives are working in AP Secr-etariat and AP natives are working in TS Secre-tariat. Particularly, about 400 Class IV employees in the combined state working in the Secretariat are natives of Telangana state.
In the tentative allocation, 274 employees were allotted to AP secretariat. In the discussions with the Kamalanathan Com-mittee, the TS government had agreed to take all 400 employees, but after AP’s decision on shifting to capital region, the TS employees working in AP secretariat have requested the TS government to take them, but the TS is maintaining silence over the issue.
Section officers, assistant section officers and private secretaries working in ministers and secretaries’ peshis are also in the same situation, confused if the TS government will take them before June 1, 2016, or would they have to go to Vijayawada.
Murthy, a Class-IV employee working in AP secretariat and a native of TS, said it wouldn’t be possible for him to work in Vijayawada when he hails from TS. “No TS employee will go to Vijayawada,” he said.
Meanwhile, it’s not possible to complete the final allocation of secretariat employees before next June as it is involves a lengthy process.