Hyderabad University guard killed after snakebite
Hyderabad: A security guard who worked with University of Hyderabad, B. Babu, 50, died on Monday afternoon after he was bitten earlier by a Russell’s Viper on the campus. Security officials there say he tried to catch the snake confusing it with a python, on Saturday evening. The pattern on the bodies of both snakes bears some similarity which confuses people.
Babu was taken to a private hospital after he was bitten but could not survive. Russell's Viper is one of the most poisonous snakes in the world.
However, it is not sure as to why Babu went to catch the snake when he had no legal authority to do it. As per sources, someone called up the security and asked for Babu to be sent near the primary school in the university where the snake was found. “Babu was known in the university for catching snakes and his services were utilised for the purpose earlier also. This, though rules permit only forest department staff or those who have permission from forest department to catch snakes,” a source said.