
Chandrabose murder case: Nisham rammed Hummer on Bose

Witness says businessman threatened to finish off security guards
Thrissur: Security guard Baby, the third prosecution witness in the Chandrabose murder case, said during his examination in the trial court here on Monday that he had seen the accused Mohammed Nisham ramming his Hummer car against Chandrabose.
Baby said that he saw Nisham driving his car to the gates of the Shobha City in high speed during the wee hours on January 29 and quarrelling with the deceased for the alleged delay in opening the remote barrier in time.
“Nisham slapped the first witness and security supervisor K.C. Anoop during the argument. Even though he tried to kick me, I escaped. Later, when Chandrabose ran for cover and hid in the security cabin at the gate, Nisham broke into the cabin through the sliding window and started assaulting him using broken glass pieces of the window pane. I heard him shout that he will bump off the victim and walked towards the Hummer and I thought that he was going to get a gun from the SUV. We urged Chandrabose to get out of the cabin while Nisham walked towards his car,” Baby said.
Later, he rammed Chandrabose with the Hummer near the fountain of the high-end apartment and later the victim was then seen fully soaked in blood, Baby added.
The defence counsel for Mohammed Nisham B. Raman Pillai cross-examined the witness on Monday afternoon and it will continue on Tuesday.
( Source : deccan chronicle )
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