Leonardo DiCaprio has a doppelganger and the internet is freaking out!

Swedish bartender Konrad Mennerud has a striking resemble with the famous Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio.
Infact his followers doubled after the world realised that he looks like a young Leonardo Dicaprio.
The instagram account of 21-year-old is filled with moody shots of him posing and showing off his Leo-esque profile.
The Swedish website nyheter21.se was the one to break this story and also interviewed the doppelganger and here’s what he has to say about what’s it’s like to look like the popular Hollywood actor.
According to the reports, Annerud told that he often gets compared to Leo.
“I get to hear that I look like him quite often, especially since I work as a bartender in a nightclub,” he told the Swedish website nyheter21.se
Infact its not just at his work, that he gets compared to the star. Last year when he went to Italy, people surrounded him thinking that he was the “The Great Gatsby” star.
“It is much worse when I am abroad,” he told nyheter24.se.
“When I was in Italy last summer, I almost felt like shaving my hair off. It was chaos. People shouted ‘Leo!’ and wanted to take pictures with me all the time. It was one of the craziest things I’ve ever experienced.”