Now design and make fancy macroons in 6 easy steps
Often after baking dessert, we think about how to make it look appealing.
The way a dessert is decorated plays the most essential role.
Here we present you a quick guide on how to make macroon look like a Himalayan cat.
This post takes you to an another lever of macroon making.
Step 1. Prepare your cat foundation
(Photo: BoredPanda)
Lay down you cat foundation that you have made for the macroon. Make sure these foundations have oval shape.
These small details give more life to these creation and make them look cute.
Step 2. Choose the colors of the batter
(Photo: BoredPanda)
In order to make Himalayan cat macroon we need to use color. Make approximately 80-100 gms of batter in each bag. Using precise pipping tip isn’t necessary.
Step 3. Decide how much to snip off
(Photo: BoredPanda)
The diameter of how much to snip off depends on the detail. The smaller the detail the smaller the trim. Don’t forget to trim off the excess seam & smooth out the tip of the bag prior to piping.
Step 4. Draw cat’s ears and face
With black batter make cat ears and face. You can make it look like Disney stackable Tsum Tsum.
(Photo: BoredPanda)
When finished it should look like this:
(Photo: BoredPanda)
Step 5. Draw the eyes
(Photo: BoredPanda)
Before making blue eyes let the bottom layer dry. Make popping blue eyes on the macroon foundation.
Step 5. Draw the pupils
(Photo: BoredPanda)
On the eyes add black pupils. This time we don’t want the pupils to pop too much so we piped them immediately after without waiting for the blue to dry.
6. Enjoy the Himalayan cat macroons
(Photo: BoredPanda)