Pregnant woman dies of dengue in Nellore
Viral fevers have claimed as many as 10 lives during last one week

Nellore: A nine months pregnant Koppula Prameela, 24, of Marlapalli in Pellakur mandal succumbed to dengue fever while undergoing treatment at Ruia hospital in Tirupati on Saturday.
Prameela belongs to Ardhamala in Pellakur mandal of Nellore district and she married Koppula Venkata Krishnaiah of Marlapalle about two years ago. She gave birth to a male child in the first delivery and she is pregnant for the second time.
Her father Sankaraiah took her to Ardhamala on October 19 for delivery. Doctor in a private hospital at Srikalahasti diagnosed her suffering from dengue fever when Sankaraiah took her to hospital after she took ill. They started treatment and also told her father that she is likely to deliver in the first week of November.
To the shock of her parents, doctors expressed their inability to treat her further after they found the fever not responding to treatment on Friday. They rushed her to Maternity hospital in Tirupati and thereafter to Svims when her condition turned critical. However, Prameela breathed her last during treatment.
Meanwhile, viral fevers have claimed as many as 10 lives during last one week in Nellore district. Hospitals are full with fever patients. There is one fever patient in every house and an estimated 2 lakh people in the district are suffering from fever and the doctors attribute this phenomenon to seasonal conditions.