Must watch: One boy, English language, 67 accents, random voices
This guy is incredible. Jake can speak English in 67 accents from around the world. The kid has been practicing for long and in five years today, he has managed to increase the number from 24 accents to a whopping 67 accents. His first video five years ago has received a whopping 24.5 million hits till date.
‘I picked up most of these accents and voices from TV, Movies, Video-games, internet and real life experiences. I apologize for the all the accents and voices that I didn't include or got wrong but it would be impossible to imitate every accent and voice on the entire planet (let alone do them all perfectly) I am only human after all,’ says Jake, the guy in the video with the awesome talent.
Check out the first video where he speaks in 24 accents and the recent one where he speaks in 67 accents from countries around the world.
Disclaimer: The first video has a lot of swearing language. The second one is safe to hear.
Trust us; you have to watch the entire video to enjoy every bit of it.