Unlike other animals of her kind, Pumpkin the raccoon, enjoys living the typical life of a pet dog in the Bahamas. The furry creature, who was rescued by her owner Laura Young's mom, has now been living with the family for almost a year now. (
She looks like she's probably broken something and is too scared to come out. What do you think?
Here's what Pumpkin looked like on the first day when she was taken in by the family.
Pumpkin loves nature and we can surely see that.
Looks like she is too freaked out to take the plunge.
One of the perks of living as a pet - you're just too spoiled for choices!
Who said that raccoons can't do the dopey-eyed look?
There she is catching up on some reading.
As you can see, she prefers her eggs sunny-side-up for breakfast.
Surprisingly Pumpkin gets along so well with family's other pets,Toffee and Oreo, that she now behaves just like a dog. She also has around 50,000 followers on Instagram.
Unlike other animals of her kind, Pumpkin the raccoon, enjoys living the typical life of a pet dog in the Bahamas. The furry creature, who was rescued by her owner Laura Young's mom, has now been living with the family for almost a year now. (