
Porn app resets passcode, demands huge money

The new ransomeware for Android is on the run and is hijacking phones

A new ransomeware is on the run and is reportedly affecting millions of Android users around the world. The ransomeware in question is LockerPIN, which is encoded within a porn Android app. Users who install the app are not affected immediately, but after a certain period only. The app resets your device’s passcodes and demands a huge amount of money to release it. What’s shocking is that even the hackers behind the ransomeware are not able to reset the password for you, even after you pay up.

Antivirus firm ESET has discovered a new ransomeware called LockerPIN, which is affecting Android devices. The ransomeware is distributed via a third-party adult entertainment app, Porn Droid, which attracts porn addicts and youth. The malware does not affect the user immediately after installation, but demands to update the app after a few runs. After a few uses, numerous popups force you to install the update patch, which brings in the LockerPIN malware (ransomeware) and infects the operating system. The malware then resets your device’s passcodes with random numbers and locks it down with a message to cough up $500 for unlocking the phone.

Users who are affected are known to end up paying the hackers in return of their device’s security PIN code or lose all personal data on their phone. The only other option is to factory reset your phone, which will wipe all data from the device.

Third-party apps are seldom trusted as they are available across the internet from unverified sources. To be safe, you should only install apps that are available on Google Play. Many users who root their devices in order to install third-party tweaking apps are under a higher risk as they are granting access to the operating system files with USB Debugging enabled. This could render the handset useless as any ransomeware could wipe out the entire operating system.

Previously, similar ransomeware was on the run with Simplocker malware infecting millions of devices. The malware would encrypt the user’s data, and the hacker would demand a huge sum.

( Source : deccan chronicle )
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