Venkaiah Naidu for mixed land use
Centre sanctioned Rs 2 crore per state

Hyderabad: Promoting mixed land use in area-based developments, planning for un-planned areas, expanding housing opportunities, creditworthiness and transparent financial management is the key as problems associated with urbanisation emanates from poor management of finances, Union urban development minister M. Venkaiah Naidu said.
“Focus should be on enhancing the resource base through imposition of betterment tax, impact fee and advertisement tax. Optimisation of network of own tax and user charges without losing sight of the mandate of social recovery is needed. Cities that perform better will receive more funds.”
The Centre on September 7 had sanctioned Rs 2 crore per state to prepare a detailed project report on smart cities.
The selected states and Union Territories account for 40 of the 100 Smart City mission participants, 158 of the Amrut cities (33 per cent) and five of the 12 Hriday cities (42 per cent). The population of the 40 Smart City nominees is over 5.50 crore which is 42 per cent of the 13 crore urban population in 98 cities included in the mission so far.