Campus tragedy: Tech student commits suicide
Note found on body says he was ragged, Cyberabad cops launch probe

Warangal: A 19-year-old BTech First Year student of CMR College in Medchal committed suicide early on Tuesday morning by jumping in front of a moving train allegedly due to ragging.
Vadlakonda Sainath killed himself at Kazipet. The police recovered a note from his bag saying, “Please stop ragging…I would not have reached such a situation had my seniors not done what they have done.” Sainath had joined the C. Malla Reddy college only on August 17, in the ECE department.
The GRP located the body at Waddepally and shifted it for post-mortem at the MGM Hospital. Kazipet GRP SI Ellaiah said, “We found that the boy belongs to Ramakrishanpur in Adilabad. We found a suicide note and have confirmed that he died because of ragging.”
Relatives of Sainath, meanwhile, said that he had not told his parents about being ragged despite regularly talking to them on the phone. They also alleged that the college management had brushed aside complaints by other parents about ragging. Sainath’s parents are contract labourers in Ramakris-hnapur. The Cyberabad police has launched a probe.
However, most First Year students of CMR College were afraid to speak about ragging. “We have started talking to students to know if ragging was going on in the campus. However, none of them have confirmed there was ragging,” said inspector K. Sashank Reddy. Students who were staying with Sainath in the hostel said he had left saying that he was sick. They also said that they had no knowledge of him being harassed by seniors. Police thinks that seniors have terrorised juniors against revealing details about the incident.