SRM University student to research in America
Manisha had invented anti-rape device, while she was at SRM

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Chennai: Manisha Mohan, who passed out of SRM University this year, is now on cloud nine. She has been selected by MIT media lab, USA to pursue M.S. (research) with scholarship.
If gaining entry to study for her MS was not creditable enough, Manisha went on to secure a research assistantship covering full tuition and health insurance, with a stipend of $ 2,566.
“My dream has come true,” said an elated Manisha, who graduated in automobile engineering, when she got the news about her selection. “My passion is innovation, and I believe the enabling environment at MIT Media Lab will provide a channel for the creative ideas I have”, she said.
It was not so easy for Manisha to get admission from the coveted institute, she had to go through a rigorous selection process, including interviews through Skype.
Manisha had invented anti-rape device, while she was at SRM. The device protects women from rape, sexual harassment and sexual assault. Christened Society Harnessing Equipment (SHE), the device combines microprocessor, control, electronics and communications.
The device provides an electric shock capable of causing severe burns, and simultaneously sending out a message, through an embedded GPRS system, to the police with location details.
( Source : deccan chronicle )
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