Now you can enjoy your milkshake ‘deep fried’
Apparently someone figured that milkshakes can be eaten too

Do your like favourite milkshake creamy and chilled? Well, you can have them ‘deep fried’ too. Just try not to think about the 500 calories you might pile on if you do.
John Clarkson, the owner of the Mister Eaters restaurant in Lancashire, in the UK figured out that there are a lot many food items you can have deep fried apart from the usual burgers and kebabs. His latest invention called ‘chipshakes’ will make you start wondering if food recipes could go any wackier.
A picture of the calorie-rich 'chipshakes'. (Picture Courtesy: Facebook/ Mister Eaters Fish and Chips)
“Nobody has ever deep-fried milk like this, and certainly not milkshake, so I wanted to give it a go,” says Clarkson, according to the Daily Mail. The ‘chipshakes’ are prepared by mixing milkshake powder with milk, eggs, flour and sugar before setting the mixture in ice cube moulds in the fridge.
After that the mixture is coated in regular batter and deep fried. Or the mixture cubes could also be fried without batter, giving you colourful blocks depending on whether you opt for strawberry, chocolate or vanilla flavour.