From rags to riches: Affluents who have made it to the top
Sundar Pichai
Sundar Pichai completed his schooling in Chennai and is believed to be a winner in every competition in his early days. The humble upbringing taught him to do his best with whatever little he had. A report by Bloomberg stated that he slept on the floor and his family couldn’t afford a TV set or a car. Further, he also studied Metallurgical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kharagpur.
Sundar Pichai completed his schooling in Chennai and is believed to be a winner in every competition in his early days. The humble upbringing taught him to do his best with whatever little he had. A report by Bloomberg stated that he slept on the floor and his family couldn’t afford a TV set or a car. Further, he also studied Metallurgical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kharagpur. Appointed as an engineer, Sundar Pichai looked after the smooth functioning of Google's web browser, Chrome and Android mobile operating system. He has been appointed as the new CEO of restructured Google. He is an achiever indeed.
Larry Ellison – CEO of Oracle
Born in the New York City, Larry Ellison is a living example of an individual with a strong willpower. As he was born to an unwed Jewish woman, his mother gave him to her aunt and uncle for adoption. He was basically a dropout from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign after due to family consequences.
His adoptive mother was warm and loving, while his adoptive father was unsupportive and distant. Later on, he attended the University of Chicago where he first encountered computer design. Larry Ellison founded his own company and named it Software Development Laboratories. At present, it is well known as Oracle Systems Corporation after its flagship product. He also owns stakes in, NetSuite, Quark Biotechnology Inc. and Astex Pharmaceuticals A report by MensXP states that Ellison was listed on the Forbes List of Billionaires as the fifth richest man in the world.
Dhirubhai Ambani
The life of Dhirubhai Ambani – founder of Reliance Industries wasn’t a dream world. Media reports state that he once bought a tin of groundnut oil on credit from a local wholesaler and sold the oil in retail on the roadside. As a kid, he knew how to earn profits. Instead of playing cricket outside, he preferred to open bhajia stalls at village fairs to earn his living. He worked as a dispatch clerk for A. Besse and suddenly heard a calling towards setting up and owning a refinery. The combined fortune of the Ambani family stood at $60 billion, making Ambani’s the second richest family in the world.
Walt Disney
Childhood would have been very dry if it wasn’t the animated characters, which pictured life to be a simple. Walt Disney was rejected for being under-aged. He became a cartoonist for the school newspaper, drawing patriotic topics on World War I. Walt Disney is in fact an inspiration in the field of animation. The annual revenue of his company is now $30 billion.
Henry Ford
(Image credit: ThelifeofHenry)
Unbelievable, but true! Henry Ford was a farm boy who was a poor farm boy, but was interested in mechanics since childhood. His father was impressed when Henry dismantled and reassembled a pocket watch at the age of 15. He worked on gasoline engines and revolutinalised the transport industry. He built an entire Ford empire and enhanced the mechanic skills. And his net worth, as per Forbes in 2008, is $188.1 billion.
Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey wasn’t a rich woman from the very start of her life. She used to wear dresses made out of potato sacks. She was abused at a very young age and was also raped at the age of 13.
(Image credit: AP)
She became a news anchor at a local radio station at the age of 19. Impressively, her talk show was a great hit, which helped her become a billionaire at the age of 32. Reports state that the net worth totalled up to 2.9 billion dollars and has overtaken former eBay CEO Meg Whitman as the richest self-made woman in America.
Samuel Walton
Image credit: Bio
Samuel Walton is responsible for forming the Walmart supermarket chain. He milked the family cow, bottled the surplus, and drove it to customers. He wasn’t ashamed of doing odd jobs. A report by MensXP also reported that he would deliver Columbia Daily Tribune newspapers on a paper route.