
Fancy a trip to mars? Get a virtual tour now, thanks to scientists

Computer simulation project gives a glimpse of the stunning Martian terrain

Ever wondered what it would be like to explore the red planet? Well, the technology needed to safely transport humans over there might not be developed in our lifetime anytime soon. In fact, it is quite possible that we might never get the chance to be there. But now you can get to know what the Martian landscape looks like up close thanks to a computer simulation programme created by the European Space Agency (ESA).

The simulation allows you to appreciate the planet’s stunning terrain, which is believed to be created over 4 billion years ago on its landscape, in the form of a virtual flight. Featuring barren craters, huge mountains and deep crevices, the striking terrain is known as the Atlantis Basin. Daily Mail reports, scientists were able to make the animation video based on a digital terrain model, which was created using four image strips captured by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on Mars Express spacecraft between the years 2008 and 2014.

Interestingly, the presence of channels carved into the slopes of its ancient basins also provide reasonable evidence for scientists to believe that water may have existed on the surface of mars. Mars is also home to the deepest known canyon and highest known mounatin in our solar system. Conspiracy theorists also claim to have seen pyramids and skeletons in satellite images taken of the planet.

Take a quick tour of mars by clicking on the video below:

( Source : deccan chronicle )
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