Mystic Mantra: Tapa & the Tridev
Once, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva — the tridev — went for a meeting. After every few minutes, each would disappear and then reappear. Perturbed by this, the devs asked why they were doing this. The tridev replied, “We are helpless. Whenever a devotee crosses a certain level of tapa, we have to go to him/her because the attraction of tapa is so strong.” Such is the power of tapa that even the tridev are bound to it.
What is attraction? Google defines it as the quality of an object/person/place to arouse your interest in it, create a liking for it. Attraction, however, is not only about interest. It creates a certain helplessness within, leaving us no choice but to pursue the object of attraction.
Attraction stems from an inherent weakness: a stronger force attracts a weaker force, and it is this attraction that leads to creation. All creation is based on the principle of attraction. Earth is held in its place by the Sun’s gravity. You are able to walk on earth because of the Earth’s gravity. Even in your body, the various cells are attracted to each other and this holds the body together.
According to the state of evolution of an individual, attraction is guided by money, the prospect of a relationship or by yog, and one is rendered helpless since attraction is inescapable. For example, if you try to entice a vegetarian by serving him/her non-vegetarian food, s/he will not be attracted to it, no matter how hungry s/he may be. But a non-vegetarian person will surely be drawn towards the dish. Thus, one’s inherent desire attracts him/her towards a person/place/object.
Everyone has desires. Once your desires are met, you return to the source — Maa Adi Shakti. She is beyond all desires and weaknesses. She is the ultimate source of attraction. Everything else, including the tridev, are bound by the principle of attraction.
Based on your desires and positive karma, you could possess the ability to experience divinity. Divinity is the most difficult to achieve, as it requires a lot of positive karma and a single-pointed desire to go back to the source of creation. Any dilution in karma or desire will pull you towards the physical aspects of creation like work, arts, relationships, etc. The attraction of the divine is often diluted by our distraction. But we can experience it by following the path of ek tattwa nirantar abhyas with a guru.
Yogi Ashwini, the guiding light of Dhyan Foundation, is an authority on yoga, tantra and the Vedic sciences. His recent book is Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension. Contact him at