Dust collects on Kerala Water Authority machinery worth crores
For more than half a decade now, the JCBs, different kinds of pipes, heavy cranes and plumbing machines are left to rust

Kozhikode: At a time when the Kerala Water Authority (KWA) is losing almost half the drinking water due to pipe leakages and theft, heavy machinery and equipment worth crores of rupees are kept idle at its compound near the Sarovaram Bio Park.
For more than half a decade now, the JCBs, different kinds of pipes, heavy cranes and plumbing machines are left to rust.
Prestressed concrete pipes with mild steel, mainline transmission pipes, ductile iron pipes and heavy plumbing excavator and more than 15 JCBs are abandoned, without repair.
The KWA authorities say the proposal has been sent to the headquarters either to repair them or to dispose them off and free the land for other use.
But no action was taken so far and the KWA has appointed security guards for the safety of the equipment.
They were purchased to effectively curb the transmission losses and thefts and to reduce the average cost of water on the KWA, but it is now finding it difficult to function smoothly.
Adding to the woes, the pipes supposed to be used for the Japan drinking water project in the district are also piled up on the plot with the other unused machinery.
“The residents of Kozhikode are still waiting for regular potable water supply,” said Raghunath M. P., a resident.
“These equipment, if repaired, could help KWA sort out all issues related to water supply and water loading”.