German MBA programme at PSG institute in Coimbatore
MBA programme gives unique opportunity to experience management education

Coimbatore: Companies must aim at effectively dealing with changing tasks and challenges and this is possible only through a continuous learning process and commitment to one’s own professional development, said Robert Frittrang, managing director, BMW plant, Chennai at the inauguration of German Indian Management Studies (GIMS) MBA Programme at PSG institute of management.
Cooperation between the University of Applied Sciences, HoF and PSG institute of management, Coimbatore will improve educational and economic ties between Germany and India. These students will get skills and experience which will demonstrate the value of innovative approach to international business education that HoF University is bringing to India, he said.
This MBA programme gives unique opportunity to experience management education at both the countries. L. Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee, PSG & Sons Charities, said two years of study here will provide an experiential and holistic learning.