Painter pitches for international art museum
Permanent venue to showcase talents of Kerala’s artists

ALAPPUZHA: Painter Vasudevan Akkitham has mooted the idea of a permanent international museum for Kerala art which got international exposure thanks to the Kochi Muziris Biennale (KMB).
Mr Akkitham, an active member of Baroda art community and a member of the faculty of MS University, shared his views with Deccan Chron-icle at Raja Ravi Varma College of Fine Arts, where he is a visiting faculty member.
“The KMB has radicalised the concept of art in Kerala. To keep up the momentum, it’s high time the government came out with a permanent system to exhibit the outstanding works of these artists,” he said.
The artist who participated in over hundred exhibitions, both solo and in groups, wants the government to seize the opportunity and act fast.
“Whether it’s Museum of Modern Art in New York or Hayward Gallery, Landon, or Pompidou Centre in Paris, the kind of celebration of art is simply amazing,” he said.
He believes the KMB could not perhaps be a permanent event in the state, but it has ignited young minds.
He cites the example of artist Madhusudhanan, an Alappuzha native migrated to New Delhi whose work at the KMB, Logic of Disappearance, was selected for Venice Biennale by its curator Okwui Enwezor.
“The Keralite has made his mark globally only because of the KMB,” he said. “The KMB is into its third edition, but the art event may not survive forever. The government has a great role to keep the spirits high by setting up a permanent venue for these artistic talents.”