Ramayana vignettes: Moksha the ultimate goal of all religions
A true believer of one religion can celebrate the different faith of others

Man in this world is always in search of the divine who is innate in his being. The time and space of his life in this earth are limited. He is searching God who can transcend every being to the great experience of the union, that is moksha. Every religion tells us different stories to bring man to this great realisation.
Ramayana also tells that the ultimate goal of life is moksha (liberation) and it can be attained only by relinquishing artha and kama and by strictly following a life of dharma (righteousness). I am greatly impressed by this revelation in Ramayana and find similar expressions in almost all religious texts.
So we find there are elements of ultimate Truth in every religion. We cannot categorise love, truth, justice, goodness or any other human or divine values as part of any particular religion. Whoever does the good to the other does it to God Himself. That's why Hindu philosophy says that Iswara is the Nama Rupas of Brahman.
So we have to celebrate our faith, faith in God and faith in our fellow human beings. A true believer of one religion can celebrate the different faith of others. If you believe in one religion, why should you be afraid of your neighbour who believes in another religion? If you are a true follower of your religion, why should you make others afraid of you? A true believer cannot be a fanatic. In other words, a fanatic can never be a true believer.
Many a time, I am questioned by many, especially Catholics, because of the Ramayana month celebrations I used to organise at Chavara Cultural Centre, Kochi. We organise all religious festivals including Eid prayer, Easter, Christmas and other celebrations.
(Fr Roby Kannanchira is the director Chavara Cultural Centre, Kochi)