
Mystic Mantra: Lead, shining lights!

Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish knight whose leg was shattered in battle

In the next few days, Catholics will celebrate the feasts of three great saints: Ignatius of Loyola (July 31), John Mary Vianney (August 4) and Dominic (August 8). They are leaders and models for three groups of priests — Jesuits, Diocesans and Dominicans, respectively. Although the times of these saints are very different from ours, we could learn lessons from their leadership.

Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) was a Spanish knight whose leg was shattered in battle. During his convalescence, he had a deep God-experience that totally transformed his life. He laid down his weapons. Led by God’s spirit, he authored a book called the Spiritual Exercises containing insights for contemplation and other sadhanas. As founder of the Jesuit congregation — of which Pope Francis is the first ever Pope — Ignatius wanted his companions to be athirst for God and passionate about “finding God in all things, and all things in God”. In his autobiography, he describes himself as a “pilgrim” with a restless and relentless resolve for magis, Latin, meaning “more”. The jingle: “Yeh dil maange more!” characterises Ignatius’ life — for he always strove to do “more”, go further, delve deeper and ascend higher than most mortals.

Like Ignatius, French-man John Mary Vianney (1786-1859), too, was conscripted into Napoleon’s Army to fight Spanish forces. However, he never fought any war due to his poor health. He realised that the greatest battles were fought deep down in human hearts. Thus, as a priest in a tiny town call Ars, he would spend as many as 16 hours a day counselling thousands who flocked to pour out their hea-rts to this sai-ntly seer. His great austerity, penance and renunciation were exemplary.

Dominic (1170-1221) is the founder of the Dominican order also called the “Order of Preachers”. Dominic critiqued the ideology of a group called the “Cathari’ (Greek, meaning, “the pure”) who held that two principles governed the world — one good and one evil. All matter was evil, and hence, the human body, sex, marriage, procreation, the cosmos, etc., should be despised.

Contrary to this view, Dominic preached that God’s creation is beautiful and must be nurtured. Dominic attracted many followers by his preaching, since he always walked the talk. Leaders can either be like Ignatius with an iron will to do more, be better, aim higher and reach further, or they can be like Vianney who inspire followers towards dharma by their wisdom, moral integrity and judicious judgements.

Leaders can also be like Dominic with prophetic voice to critique and condemn evil and injustice. These three saints teach us that good leaders lead from the front; but they must also be ready to be led — by God’s spirit!

Francis Gonsalves is a professor of theology. He can be contacted at

( Source : francis gonsalves )
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