
Wake-up call for airport officials

Officials are planning to implement bird menace control measures

VIJAYAWADA: Following the bird-hit incident that delayed a Chennai-bound flight at Vijayawada airport on Wednesday, the airport authority officials are planning to implement bird menace control measures on its premises.
The issue raised much concern after passengers accused the officials of negligence in the upkeep of the airport and expressed doubts over the security measures in place.
Meanwhile, Vijayawada airport manager M. Raja Kishore put the blame on the lack of proper sanitation in nearby villages.
“Improper solid waste management in villages like Kesarapalli, Buddavaram and Gannavaram attracts birds, which are in search for food. Not only garbage, remains of buffaloes and dead chicken from poultries are also being dumped near the airport's compound wall,” said Mr Raja Kishore.
Speaking about the measure that would be taken to curb the bird menace, the manager said, “The runway will be checked thoroughly manually as well as by binoculars. Crackers will be used to keep away the birds from nearby surroundings,” he added.
Mr Raja Kishore added that the airport authority is in talks with district collector Ahmed Babu to arrange for a dedicated dump yard for the villages. Meanwhile, passengers reportedly seemed reluctant in taking flights from the airport in view of this incident.
( Source : deccan chronicle )
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