Belagavi: Ornaments worth Rs 12 lakh stolen from Yalguresh temple
The miscreants reportedly gained entry into the temple by breaking the lock from backside door

BELAGAVI: A unique diamond and gold-studded crown and several other diamond accessories, worth around Rs 12 lakh, were stolen from the historic Yalguresh temple on Wednesday night. The incident came to light early Thursday when a sweeper noticed the crown and other ornaments missing from the idol of Lord Hanuman. He brought it to the notice of the priest, who was asleep on the temple premises.
The miscreants reportedly gained entry into the temple by breaking the lock from backside door. Several devotees were asleep on the temple premises when the theft reportedly happened.
After being alerted the police rushed to the temple, but failed to get any vital leads to trace the culprits. A dog squad traced the route up to the city bus terminus.
Yalguresh temple was built during the Chalukya period. The temple management said that of the many crowns presented by devotees to the temple since the Chalukya period, the diamond studded stolen crown was unique. It was made from 500 grams of gold and 600 grams of silver. It was delicately carved and had 11 precious diamond stones, which are hardly available these days, sources said.
Other stolen articles include an attractive golden bracelet studded with 11 diamonds and two golden hands. The miscreants had also made an attempt to steal some other golden ornaments placed on Hanuman idol, but failed.