Convert VOC park into bat sanctuary
About 3,600 bats teem the tree tops at the Coimbatore Corporation's VOC park

Bats hang on trees of VOC Park. (Photo: DC)
Coimbatore: About 3,600 bats teem the tree tops at the Coimbatore Corporation's VOC park in the heart of the city. The environmentalists in the City want the park to be converted into a bat sanctuary to protect the endangered flying mammals.
The VOC park has become the sole shelter for the thousands of these black bats after hundreds of trees were cut down on the Avinashi road, Mettupalayam road and Thadagam road. According to a census conducted by wildlife enthusiast and author Kovai Sathasivam about six months ago, the VOC park is home to nearly 3,600 bats.
“More than 1,300 species of bats around the world play vital ecological role. Bats prey on insects, including some of the most damaging agricultural pests. They help in pollination of seeds and production of fruits. Bats disperse seeds of sandal, banyan, peepal, fig trees. Besides their major role as pollinators for plant species, bats can also fight diseases such as dengue by preying on mosquitoes.” said Kovai Sathasivam.
Though bats contribute to the ecology, the Forest department has categorised it as a pest. “Urbanisation activities pose a major threat to bat population. The state Forest Department has listed bats as pests. So Forest Department does not take steps to conserve the flying mammals. They should categorise the bats as endangered and convert the VOC park into a bat sanctuary,” says Nature Conservative Society President N. L. Jalaluddin.
However, the State Forest department says it has no funds to protect the bats. Besides, the VOC park is located in the heart of the city and hence, it cannot be converted into a sanctuary.
“VOC Park is situated in the centre of the city. So it is very difficult to convert the park into a sanctuary. As of now, bats are categorised as pests. So, funds are not allotted to conserve the bats” said M. Senthil Kumar, District Forest Officer Coimbatore.
( Source : deccan chronicle )
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