Chanakya’s age-old wisdom
The story of a child inspired by his grandfather to study Chanakya and become the richest man

Dr Radhakrishnan Pillai, director, Chanakya Institute of Public leadership (CIPL), Department of Philosophy, University of Mumbai, who has authored Corporate Chanakya and Chanakya’s 7 secrets of Leadership, is back with Chanakya In You. Ask him how his recent title differs from the previous ones and he says that the book revolves around the story of a child inspired by his grandfather to study Chanakya and his principles and become the richest man in the world.
“Interestingly there is no single character in the book with a name. It is a style of writing more inclined towards fiction,” he says. A recipient of the Sardar Patel International Award for his contributions in the field of management and industrial development in 2009, Radhakrishnan says that Arthashastra made him a better person. But why Chanakya a third time?
Radhakrishnan says he runs a company, and for several years was hunting for alternative management strategies to improve his venture.
“That was when I came across Arthashastra, and studied its original Sanskrit version, where I discovered a treasure of 6,000 sutras that have a lot to do with ethical management strategies. When Western principles are being adapted into the Indian management system, why not use that which is our own? I applied them in my business and I was successful,” he explains.
So, what’s the underlying thought behind the principles? “Chanakya says ‘Never go for a battle alone’. There are many other dimensions of his wisdom still unexplored. Chanakya’s teachings are associated with intelligence and wisdom but he even strategised on the ethics of good governance. They are spiritual as well as strategic, and are relevant,” he adds.
Chanakya in You by Dr Radhakrishnan Pillai Jaico Publishing House pp. 256, Rs 299
Being an academician and a teacher, Radhakrishnan believes in research work and authenticity. “Everyone can be a leader if he follows Chanakya. The great man doesn’t only teach economics but also helps you deal with the many situations that one faces in life,” he smiles.
Interestingly, he took only a month to write this book. “My writing speed has increased. The first book took four and a half years and I finished my second in two years,” chuckles Radhakrishnan.
Is the next one also based on Chanakya? “Yes, I am dwelling on some ideas, but I don’t like to repeat my works,” he signs off.