Diabetic? Here's how to travel safe
Try including diabetes needs in travel plans to be safe than sorry

Washington: Planning for a vacation? Try including diabetes needs in travel plans to be safe than sorry.
As per Pam Noonan, who is a registered nurse/diabetes educator for Sutter Gould Medical Foundation, one should locate the nearest hospital and pharmacy at his destination, before leaving for the trip, The Modesto Bee reported.
Noonan suggested carrying a current list of medications and insurance cards to have at the ready if you were to need these facilities, adding that one should bring food and water, which will come in handy in case of cancellations and delays.
The next suggestion is to be prepared with a sugar source like glucose tablets or nonperishable juices boxes as untreated hypoglycemia is a medical emergency and can be life threatening.
One should always carry medications as unexpected delays in travel plans could prevent access to luggage. Take a backup glucose meter and extra meter batteries to be ready for the unexpected with extra supplies and medications just in case.
Final suggestion is to wear medical identification. It is recommended that people with diabetes wear some type of medical ID like a bracelet, necklace or shoe tag. In case of an emergency, medical professionals can make quicker decisions about your care.