Scoliosis, a treatable disorder; don’t ignore it

Bengaluru: "I never let this condition stop me from achieving my goals," says a determined, Kriti Singh (23), who was diagnosed with scoliosis when she was 15. Kriti, studying at a reputed university of her choice, says, “It is not just for me, but even for others. Nothing should stop you from leading a normal life,” she says.
Kriti is part of a large number of people who are affected by scolios – which is an abnormal curvature of the spine. Thanks to timely detection and treatment, she has been cured. But unfortunately, not everyone gets proper treatment, and continues to live with the debilitating disease.
Experts say scoliosis is a condition that receives inadequate attention. Often, due to lack of awareness and information surrounding scoliosis, people tend to ignore the symptoms and treatment options. “It is unfortunate that despite having advanced treatment options, including surgery, people hardly recognise scoliosis as a treatable disorder,” says Dr Mahesh
Bijjawara, Senior Consultant Spine Surgeon, Jain Institute of Spine Care and Research. Patients nearing skeletal maturity with comparatively lesser degree of abnormal curvature usually do not require any treatment.
But in case of youngsters who are yet to grow but have significant curve, it is quite likely that the curve may get more acute.
They require treatment. If left untreated, it can progress to a stage where it limits the space in the ribcage, which is vital for the heart and lung to function normally.