This new yoga can be the solution for your de-stress
Sukshma (Face) Yoga can help you to control your anger, stress and tiredness

Mumbai: Every time you get angry and frustrated there is a proper reason behind it.
Sukshma (Face) Yoga is the new trend. This yoga practice can help you to control your anger, stress and tiredness. Sukshma yoga is a way of relieving tension from your body, it also helps us to regain our glow back.
This exercise can be performed wherever you are, all you need is just 10 of proper minutes.
Follow these few simple steps and experience the difference.
1. Close and eyes and relax, move your thumbs softly over each eyes for couple of minutes. This exercise helps to reduce dark circles and release muscular tension.
2. Open your eyes as wide as you can, feel the stress and then close your eyes tightly. Repeat it for 4 minutes till your eyes starts burning. Finally close your eyes and relax. This helps to improve eyesight. Daily practice of this might help you to get rid of your glasses.
3. Pull your earlobe up and down, keep rotating them for 20 seconds. This helps in reducing facial tension from muscles.
4. Pull your cheeks and breath in and breath out just using your mouth. Repeat the process for 10-12 times. This exercise helps to strengthen your cheek.
5. Move your finger from one end of the eyebrow to another end. Press your fingertips firmly on it.
6. Smile as wide as you can and press your lips as tight as you can. Repeat this process 25-30 times. This relaxes muscles around your mouth and helps in brightening your face.
Follow this excersice regulary and feel light and happy.