
Charlie Sheen, Denise Richards fight on Twitter

Charlie Sheen accused his ex-wife Denise Richards of “kidnapping”

Actor Charlie Sheen accused his ex-wife Denise Richards of “kidnapping” his two daughters, Sam and Lola, in a hate-filled rant on Twitter on Sunday.
Calling Denise, who is Charlie’s 2nd ex-wife, a “heretic washed up piglet Shame pile”, he also praised his 3rd ex-wife, actress Brooke Mueller, saying she was a “sexy rok star” (sic). In a second tweet, Charlie said, “Father’s Rights! I INSIST we devour the mendacity of these ‘kidnapping’ D Richards ‘types’ & bring justice to ‘us’”. Denise, however, ignored the star and even wished the actor, saying, “Happy Dad’s Day! Have a great trip in Mexico! Kids were disappointed u weren’t here for it.”
( Source : agencies )
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