Runners get ready to race
Professional and amateur running enthusiasts in Chennai gear up for marathon season

It is that time of year when dusty shoes come out of the closet, tights and leggings make a hasty (and sometime calamitous) return and the roads are colourful early in the morning or in the dead of the night! Yes, the marathon season is officially underway in the city as runners — both professional and amateur — are gearing up to let their legs do the talking. Personal bests are noted, friendly rivalries renewed, bad food habits go for a toss and fitness routines hit extreme levels.
With Chennai becoming quite the hub for long-distance running events, more and more enthusiasts, young and old, are jumping onto the bandwagon. Some do it for the sheer love of running; others, for the competition; still others because, well, it is cool to run … and the more, the merrier it is, so all are welcome. So how is everyone preparing? Khuzem Lal, Race Director for the upcoming Dream Runners Half Marathon 2015, says, “An intensive 16-week meticulous training program for beginners and advanced runners has been conceptualised by ace marathoner Ash Nath.
This training program with a structured, scientific approach to running is being uniformly followed by almost 500 trainees across all chapters. Also, we run not only for fun but for a cause too! Our belief is to give back to the society that has made us what we are today. After running for the causes of ‘Organ Donation’ and ‘Fight against Mental Depression and ‘Prevent Suicides’ previously, this year we will raise funds for prosthetic legs for the needy.”
Several prestigious events dot the calendar annually. The Wipro Chennai Marathon, Terry Fox Run Chennai, Pinkathon, Madras Heritage Marathon, Cool Runners Half-Marathon and the Chennai Trekking Club’s Trail Marathon are just some of the more popular ones. Also among this list is the dusk-to-dawn/dawn-to-dusk marathon ingeniously conceptualised by the cyclist, runner and philanthropist Neville J Bilimoria. He says “The support for such events is constantly increasing, and we have more participants with every passing year. Many children are getting involved in this activity, which is heartening.”
President of Chennai Runners, Preeti Aghalayam says that the season starts around the time the summer heat goes away — but avid runners keep practising irrespective of the weather. “Our chapters which are spread across the city strive constantly to inculcate new members. The beginners’ program slowly equips them with the tools needed. We term these routines ‘tender-foot’ and ‘couch to 5k’’! We are expecting nearly 15,000 runners to enroll for the Chennai Marathon later this year,” she quips.
Businessman Varun Mohanraj who was urged by his friends to take part in India’s first-ever neon night run earlier this month, found the experience enthralling — “It was so much fun! I must admit I used to be among those who mocked runners, but now I realise that it does provide a unique rush. Running in the night with glow bands around our necks and heads, fluorescent T-shirts, and psychedelic colours all around us … was really something else!”
But, as always, there’s no fun without hard work, as each individual needs to find his or her best fit for a pre-run schedule and training program, before getting into marathons seriously. Says psychologist Smruthi Nair who is an avid marathoner, “There are many tips I follow myself — not running on an empty stomach, continuously drinking water with electrolytes, maintain a healthy diet and avoid spicy food! Everybody needs to find a suitable routine before taking on the challenge,” she concludes.