
Mystic Mantra: Merge to re-emerge

Our universe is one big family supporting life in all its forms with energy

A mother hugs her child. A friend holds the hand of his/her friend or hugs him/her. A child comes running into the father’s arms when he returns from work. All these acts involve touch to form a connection, and transferring ones energy to the other.

The street dogs play amongst themselves, jumping and wrestling with each other. This gives them energy. Potted plants and trees rooted in the earth lean towards each other, in order to derive energy from each other. The sun rises early in the morning giving energy to chirping birds and trees. People who are fortunate enough to listen to the early song of birds are also rejuvenated likewise.

Our universe is one big family supporting life in all its forms with energy. While scientists term it energy, mystics, deem it to be a universal satsang, a divine communion. The mystics have known this communion for eternity and remind us about its presence in a variety of expressions.

It is heartening to know that even scientists are waking up to this phenomenon; they have started engaging in experiments which prove the spiritual revelations of the sages — kan kan me bhagwan i.e. every atom is divine. We are composed of these atoms. But scientists call it bio-energy.

Recently, a biological research team at Bielefeld University in Germany, made a groundbreaking discovery, showing that plants can draw an alternative source of energy from other plants. Members of professor Dr. Olaf Kruse’s biological research team confirmed, for the first time, that the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii not only engages in photosynthesis, but also draws energy from other plants.

The psychologist Ms. Bader-Lee suggests that the field of bio-energy is now ever-evolving and that studies on the plant and animal world will soon translate and demonstrate an energy that metaphysicians have known all along — that humans can heal each other simply through energy transfer just as plants do. Humans can absorb and heal through other humans, animals, and any part of nature.

The scientific community approaches every manifestation of Nature from outside while sages, and yogis undertake an inner journey. In this way, they are connected to everything that surrounds them, from within. Osho concludes that matter and consciousness are not two separate things. What we call matter is consciousness asleep and what we know as consciousness is matter awakened. They are different manifestations of the same thing. Existence is “one” and that “one” is godliness or Brahman. When that “one” is asleep it appears as matter and when awake it is consciousness. So matter and consciousness are only utilitarian terms. They are not really different.

Swami Chaitanya Keerti, editor of Osho World, is the author of Osho Fragrance

( Source : dc )
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